
Friday 18 June 2010

Sooji Rava (Semolina) Pakoda


Sooji Rava (Semolina)2cup
Yogurt/curd 2cup
Green Chilly 3-4(or as per spice)(chopped)
Onion 1
Coconut (grated)1/2 small cup
Ginger 1"(chopped)
Curry leaves 10-15(chopped)
Salt as per taste
water 1 cup if needed
Oil for deep frying

Mix all the above ingredient's(except water and oil) properly in mixing bowl and prepare pakoda dough,add water if needed. Heat the oil and fry the pakoda's by taking small portion of dough(size should be as shown in the picture)and the crispy pakoda is ready to eat.......

can be served with tomato sauce or mint chutney....

Garlic chutney


Garlic cloves 15-16
Urad Lentil 3tsp
Red chilly 8-9(or as per spice)
Coriander seed 2tsp
sesame 2tsp
oil 1tsp(cooking oil)
coconut(grated) 3cup
Tamarind juice 1tsp
salt as per taste


Heat oil in a pan add Urad lentil and garlic fry till it turns light brown and then add coriander seed and red chilly fry 2-3 mins now add sesame and turn of the heat.In a blender add this fried item and other ingredients ,blend properly with out adding water(if required add little water,but not more).
The garlic chutney is ready,,,this can be served with rice or rooti/chapati.

Shake Mudde(Rice balls)

Ingredients:To make 6-7 balls
Rice 1cup
Urad Dhal 3tsp
Cumin seed 2 tsp
Coriander seed 3tsp
Red chilly 6-7(or as per spice)
Salt to taste

Soak the rice over night and blend along with all the above ingredients.The batter should not be soft(it should be half blended)and pour this in to a thick bottom pan.Turn on the heat ,keep on stir the batter nicely until this become like chapati dough(it will absorb the water contents and will become like dough)then turn of the heat and let it become make small balls(lemon sized) and cook this balls in idly cooker(or can be cooked in pressure cooker with out Waite 15 to 20mins)for 20mins and the hot hot shake mudde's (rice balls)are ready to serve.
It can be served with coconut oil or with coriander chutney..

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Appe Huli(Mango Curry)


Raw Mango 1
Green Chilly 2
Garlic cloves 6-7
mustered seed 1tsp
curry leaves 5-6
coconut oil 1tsp
salt to taste
1/2 tsp sugar or jaggery
water 2cup

Cook the raw mango in water(cut in to 2-3 Pisces)and keep aside for 10 mins.once the mango is cool remove the mango pulps in a bowl,add water,salt and sugar/jaggery.
Heat the oil,add garlic,green chilly,fry till garlic turns brown,now add curry leaves, mustered and pour in to the mango curry(appe huli)....and serve with rice....

Sowthe kai kadabu(Cucumber Idly)

Cucumber 2(grated)
Idly rava 1 cup
Grated coconut 1/2 cup
green chilly chopped 2(or as per spice)
salt to taste
water 1 cup(if required)


In a mixing bowl add all the above ingredients and mix well,add water if required and it should look like above picture(first picture)..

Now cook in a idly cooker as like normal idly(i keep for 15-17 mins),,,i have used Tatte Idly plats,normal idly plate also can be used,or if you don't have idly cooker ,can be cooked in pressure cooker in a container(without the waiter keep for 15-16 mins)

So the cucumber Idly is ready to eat,,,put some coconut oil on this and just eat,,,,,or can be served with chutney...