
Friday 20 April 2012

Brussels Sprout Stuffed Paratha--A healthy recipe

Hey all after many days I am posting a recipe,,after all my give away and guest post,,its my turn to post the recipe.......and by the by friends,,,,Do not forget to visit my new blog for my Henna art and face paintings(not uploaded yet)....and give your valuable comments.....

visit Face Paint and Henna

and also to view my latest pencil art on my other blog

visit chitravali

and about the paratha,,,,,

I see lots of verity of paratha now a days in the blog last week thought of making Brussels Sprout Paratha as no one in my home like this veggie much....

I thought this would be great idea to make every one love this veggie too..and I win in this..all liked it very much also the shape made them more hungry as it is quite different.....I hope u all will try this out as well...


For dough:(to make 6-8 paratha)
Multi grain flour(mixed flour of Raagi,whole wheat, gram flour, barley)/whole wheat flour as required for dough + for dusting
Warm water 1 glass
Salt 1/4 tsp
Pure ghee(clarified butter)1tsp
sugar 1tsp

For stuffing:
Brussels Sprout 250gm pack(washed and finely chopped)
sunflower oil/or cooking oil 3tsp
green chilly finely chopped 2
carrom seed 2tsp
sesame seed 1tsp
cumin seed 1/2tsp
turmaric 1/2tsp
salt 1/2 tsp



Heat the oil in a pan add chopped green chilly, fry for 1mins then add cumin, carom seed,turmeric and sesame seed,saute for a min, then add chopped Brussels Sprout, fry till i is lightly crispy then add salt mix well turn of the heat.

In a mixing bowl add warm water,salt and ghee mix well, now add the flour as much required, and knead this mixture to make soft dough. keep this cover for 10mins.

How to prepare the paratha:
Make equal portion balls in dough. Take a ball and roll in to big circle(roll it thin),now take 2TBSP of filling ,keep in the middle of the circle and spread properly

now fold the circle in to shown below..

once the paratha is sealed properly,,,roll it slowly just to given a proper shape(do not roll it more other wise the filling will come out side)

and cook on the hot skillet..(tava)by applying ghee on both the sides of the paratha...repeat this for remaining dough also.

Serve Hot parata with curd and pickle..or as it is....

linking this recipe to the event Show me ur hits hosted by Julie from

visit event-announcement-show-me-your-hits

original announcement page of sangeeta from
visit spicy-treats-event-hits

Monday 16 April 2012

Stuffed Spicy Capsicum-A guest post for Kavi from Edible entertainment

I am very very irregular posting my blogs now a days.....I don't know how...but i am not able to do this from past 1 month......any ways....after posting the give away i am very exited and i am waiting for this month end to select the 2 lucky winners.......and one more good news to my readers.....

As My Fresh Waterpearls want to create the best shopping experience for you, as well as sharing their great designs with the world!
they are giving one more offer for all of you apart from the give away.....a discount code on your next purchase from April 11th, 2012 until May 31st, 2012.The code is: SHOP10.(It is case sensitive so please be aware).It is a code for 10% off your whole purchase.

Please note the coupon code again is: SHOP10, valid from 4-11-12 to 5-31-12. You are also allowed to post this code in your blog to use this code for shopping,to you as well as your friends, and Don’t forget to “LIKE” My Fresh Waterpearls face book page.

So friends more exited ..then please enter in to give away for chance to win 2 lovely earrings from My Fresh Waterpearls
Hurry friend give Away will be closed on 30th April 2012...
To enter click here

And now coming to the main part Stuffed Spicy Capsicum...

(the above click took when I prepared this 2nd time on last week)

This is a guest post for Kavi(Kavita) From blog Edible entertainment........Her event series name only is quite interesting..'Cooking With Kin'...lovely event....and her blog is even more interesting,,with lovely clicks......she has got verity of recipe collection in her blog with all step wise clicks.......

(the above click took when I prepared this 2nd time on last week)

When she asked me to be a guest for her CWK series,,I was very exited and happy to write on her here is my recipe in Her blog Edible entertainment......please visit her blog for Stuffed Spicy Capsicum recipe as well as many more yummy and tasty recipes....

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Give Away on my Birthday........Very first Give Away .....

Ii was my birthday.........Actually I had planned to give this give Away on my birthday...But i was bit busy with lots of work....and as my hubby was at home that day we planned for a day the time i was suppose to finish my Eggless baking challenge(Chocolate cornets)...and it went finally i deiced to announce this Give Away with the same

By the by my Birthday was on 28th of March....long back ..but still its i deiced before i will not change the reason for the Give Away.....

So coming to the give Away part......

This Give Away is sponsored by Jennifer from..My Fresh Waterpearls

Jennifer is a part of a online company called My Freshwater Pearls. As you can imagine they have a large variety of freshwater pearl jewelry.
As an appreciation gift, and to introduce her(their) products to all, they love to give away their beautiful Simply Pure 8-9 mm freshwater Pearl Earrings. They come in different colors. Take your pick from: rose, purple, or white. You can check the colors as well as the earrings themselves at Visit Waterpearls give Away. This gift has a retail value of $27.98 + shipping.

below is the sample picture...

and also
As My Fresh Waterpearls want to create the best shopping experience for you, as well as sharing their great designs with the world!
they are giving one more offer for all of you apart from the give away.....a discount code on your next purchase from April 11th, 2012 until May 31st, 2012.The code is: SHOP10.(It is case sensitive so please be aware).It is a code for 10% off your whole purchase.

Please note the coupon code again is: SHOP10, valid from 4-11-12 to 5-31-12. You are also allowed to post this code in your blog,to use this code for shopping to and your friends...

If you like to know more.....plzz .. Visit My Fresh Waterpearls

Here are some rules to enter in to the Give Away.....

1)LIKE My Fresh Waterpearls on facebook(in their main page)
2)Follow My Fresh Waterpearls on Twitter(in their main page)
3)Visit My Fresh Waterpearls and let me know which Jewelry u liked the most and why( few words)
4)Give a hyper link of in your site(side bar of ur blog)(as I did)
5)Publish About this give Away in ur face book page to spread around...So that more friends can take part in this give Away(optional,,not compulsory)
6)Lastly Follow My blog publicly (if ur not following)and give a comment after completing all the above steps...
So now ur are is my work....Once u have finished all the above steps i will be selecting 2 winner's from ur comments....(Random selection).

Here are some guidelines

1)Only bloggers (any kind of bloggers)can enter in to this Give Away,,,,
2) Starting from today ..the give Away closes on 30th of this month(April 2012)
3)Give only one comment stating everything(if not possible give different comment)
4)I will be announcing the winner with in a week from the date of closure of this Give Away..(i e 30th April 2012).
5) Any one from the world can enter in to this Give Away..(but need to full fill all the above steps.)
6)Once the winner is announced, with in a weeks time they need to send their proper mailing to do so..the give away will be passed to the another winner...

Hope All are exited to have one pair of above earring for your self or to gift some one who is ur near and be quick and enter in to the Give Away.....and try ur luck....Good Luck for all those who is willing to participate and win the Give away.....

With love

Monday 2 April 2012

Chocolate Cornet---Eggless backing challenge

Wow..I was so exited to bake this eggless chocolate cornet...Actually I prepared this cornet for Eggless baking challenge from Visit Gayathri's Cookspot

As i was very very busy from 15 days....I could not update my blog as well as i couldn't try this out before.......I finished baking this cornets just now..and my house is still filled with the nice aroma of baking.....

I joined this Visit Eggless Baking group recently...(this month only)this is really a nice challenge....and i hope all will try this one....

Makes 5 Cornets:
For The Dough:
Plain white Flour-1 1/4 cup
Sugar-1 1/2tbs
Instant Yeast-1 1/4tsp
Warm Milk-3/4 cup
Baking Powder-1/4tsp
milk powder 1TBSP

For The Chocolate Custard:
condensed milk 4-5tbsp
Corn starch-2tbs
Cocoa Powder-1 1/2tbs
Flour-1 1/2tbs
Bitter Sweet Chocolate-50gm(cut in to pieces or grated)
Vanilla Essence-1tsp

For The Cornet Moulds:
I have used the cornet moulds only

For The Bread Cone:
Dissolve the instant yeast and ground flax seed in the luck warm water in a small different bowls, and let both sit for 5 mins

In a bowl, mix flour, salt, milk powder and baking powder.

Now Add milk , yeast water and ground flax seed water and prepare a soft dough.

Knead the dough for 5minutes and then flatten the dough on the counter.Place the butter cubes in the middle and cover it up with the dough.

Knead the dough for another 5-7minutes until the butter is incorporated and the dough becomes super soft and elastic. (can use the food processor if u don't want be messy....Like me i tried with hand mixer with dough hook)..

Place the dough in an greased bowl and cover with cling wrap.Allow it to rise it for 1 hour or till the dough is double in quantity.

once the dough is done open it,cover ur finger in the flour and poke in the dough to make a small hole if the hole disappear quickly...that means the dough need to be raised more..other wise..its done..

Now Deflate dough on a floured surface in ur hand and divide it into 5 equal parts.Roll each part in to a ball and keep it covered on the counter for 5minutes.

Now grease the cornet moulds,Flatter each balls into a flat circle.Roll it into a rope and pinch the edge. Now roll it into a 1 1/2' long rope which is thin at edges and thicker in the middle.

Start from the bottom of the mould. Wind the rope from bottom to top and then pinch the end.Place the prepared cornets on a greased tray and allow it to rise for 15-20mins.

Apply a milk wash.

Preheat oven to 180C/gas mar 4 and bake the cornets until the top is golden.(mine too 20 mins)

wait for 2-3 mins then gently remove the mould from the cornet and place the cornets on wire rack and allow them to cool..

For The Chocolate Custard:
Take the condensed milk in a bowl and add the sugar and mix well with a balloon whisk, add a tsp of warn milk so that everything will be combined proper..

Now add cocoa powder, corn starch flour and vanilla essence to it and mix well gragually add the rest of the milk while mixing.

Once everything is mixed properly, strain it through a strainer in to a sauce pan.
Turn on the Heat and stir it continuously until the mixture becomes thick, and remove from the heat.

Add butter and bitter sweet chocolate pieces while it is hot and stir till combined well and smooth.

Transfer the custard to a bowl and cover it with a cling wrap,to avoid the custard surface getting dry or wrinkle. Refrigerate until cool.

Assembling the Chocolate Cornets:

Take the custard in a piping bag or plastic bag.Make a small hole at the tip.

Place the bag inside the cornet and squeeze the bag to fill the cornet with the custard.
Repeat for the other cornets.

Eggless chocolate cornet is ready to serve....

Egg Substitutes I used For This Recipe:
For the bread dough I substituted the egg with milk, ground flax seed and baking powder.
For the custard, I used condensed milk and corn strach instead of eggs.
Both worked out very well.