
Tuesday 9 August 2016

Eggless No Bake Chocolate Swiss roll

Tis summer holidays me and my Mr junior decided to do some special cooking .My junior has a list of things to prepare. So today we started with this easy no bake eggless swiss roll which we had seen in the video few days back and we added out own verson as he don't like coconut filling. So we used whipped cream which turned out very well and my son loving it. If you want you can also use dry coconut powder with sugar and little bit milk for filling. So here is our version...


  • 10 to 12 any tea biscuits
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 25g cocoa powder
  • 50ml water(use more or less accordingly
  • Chocolate syrup 2tsp
  • Butter 25gm + for greasing
  • Butter paper or grease proof paper to roll

For   the filling:

  • 75g Whipping cream
  • 50g icing sugar
  • A little vanilla extract


Make powder of tea biscuits in a blender and add it to a large mixing bowl.

Now add sugar, coca powder and chocolate syrup and butter. Make a soft dough by adding very little water.
Now whip the cream by adding sugar and vanilla extract in b bowl and keep aside.
Take grease proof paper or butter paper and roll the dough  slowly in to rectangular shape.

apply the whipped cream on top of it and make a roll of the dough slowly with the use of butter paper.

once done keep it in refrigerator for 4 to 5 hours.

After 4-5 hours take it out of the fridge and carefully make medium sized wheel and eat cold yummy easy Chocolate Swiss roll.

Note : keep the left over rolls in the fridge and eat it later.