
Thursday 3 December 2009

Chilly Babycorn

Baby corn 10
Capsicum 2-3 (if you have different colour,then it looks nice)

Onion 1 chopped
garlic cloves 10(chopped)
self growing flour 1 cup
corn flour 1/2 cup
Oil for deep frying
1 tsp each of red chilly sauce, soya sauce,red chilly powder and vinegar
3 tsp for tomato sauce
salt to taste
Chopped coriander leaves for garnishing
water for mixing the flour

How to make:

Cut the baby corn in to 2" size pieces and capsicum in to 1" and keep aside. In a frying pan heat oil and add chopped garlic and onion,fry till onion turns in to light brown, now add capsicum fry for 5mins.

In a mixing bowl, add both the flour, red chilly powder,pinch of salt ,mix well.Now make batter by adding water.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and dip the baby corn in the batter,fry properly,keep aside. Once it is cool,add this to fried onion and capsicum.Turn on the heat,add salt fry for 5-6mins.Now add soya sauce,chilly sauce,vinegar and tomato sauce,stir for 4-5mins then turn of the heat..
Spicy Chilly baby corn is ready to serve..before serving garnish the dish with fresh coriander....

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