
Wednesday 5 May 2010

Chutney Powder with Curry leaves


Gram dhal(lentil) 2 cup
Groundnut 1 cup
Curry leaves 10-15 Fresh(or you can use dry also)
Cumin seed 4 tsp
Coriander seed 2tsp
Coconut grated(Dry) or powder 1 cup(optional)
dry red chilly 10-12(or can use red chilly powder 2-3 tsp) as per spice
Sugar 2 tsp
Dry mango powder 2 tsp
Salt 2 tsp(or as per taste)

Roast all the above spice (except sugar,salt curry leaves and mango powder) separately in a pan.Once it is cool make powder in a blender by adding salt sugar mango powder and curry leaves and store in air tight jar.
This can be served with Rooti,chapati,Dosa or with rice also along with Ghee or coconut oil.....

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