
Tuesday 31 August 2010

Gobi masal with black eye beans(califlower curry)

Cauliflower 1 small(make small pieces)
Black eye beans 1cup
onion 1 big sliced
capsicum 1 diced
tomato 2 chopped
mustered 1tsp
Somp 1tsp
turmeric 1/2 tsp
fresh chopped coriander 4tsp
cooking oil 3tsp
urad lentil 1tsp
coriander seed 2tsp
garam masala 2tsp
mashed garlic 4 cloves
tamarind paste 1/2tsp
salt to taste and 1/2 tsp of sugar


Cut the cauliflower wash and steam it by adding water and turmeric powder. Cook the black eye beans by adding water properly. Heat a small pan add urad lentil fry for 30 second then add coriander seed & somp fry for 30 second then add sesame and turn of the heat.Add these fried items in a blender along with grated coconut ,tamarind paste and garam masala powder and make smooth paste(add water if required).
Heat oil in a pan add urad lentil and mashed garlic and fry for 2mins then add mustered and capsicum saute then add onion fry till onion turns in to golden brown. Now add tomato saute for 3mins, add coconut paste and stir for 5mins then add cooked black eye beans and cauliflower mix well,add salt and sugar and also add water if the Gravy is thick. Boil the gravy for 5mins then turn of the heat......

Gobi masala is ready to serve...with any kind of chapati rooti or dosa..

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Rava Idli


Sooji Rava() 1cup
Vegitable finely chopped all together 1 1/2 cup(carrot,capsicum,green peas,onion(optional),corionder leaves)
Cooking oil 2tsp
Urad lentil 1tsp
Mustured 1/2 tsp
cumin seed 1tsp
fresh coriender 3tsp
curry leaves 5-6(chopped)(optional)
Curd or Yogurt 2cup
water to make batter

Heat oil add urad lentil fry for 1min then add cumin and mustered fry for 1min,add curry leaves, capsicum & corinder, saute ,after 2mins add carrot fry for 2mins then add Sooji rava and fry till it turns light brown,turn of the heat. Once it is cool add yogurt and salt, mix well. Add water if required and make batter(as like normal idly batter).

Now fill the idly stand with batter shown below..

And cook the idly by using idly maker for about 15mins, and serve hot with Chutney....

Monday 9 August 2010

Neer Dosa

Ingredients:(approx 15 dosa)
Rice 1 cup(basumati rice is not suitable for neer dosa)
grated cucumber 1 cup/ or fresh grated coconut1/2 cup(optional)
cooking oil 4-5 tsp
salt as per taste
water (for making dosa batter)

Soak the rice overnight and grind in a blender by adding water(make very smooth paste) and pour in a big bowl, add salt and grated coconut and 2-3 glass of water.mix well,it should be more thinner than usual dosa batter.
Heat the pan(used to prepare pancake)(tava) take ladle full of batter and spread in circle shape(as shown below in the picture. And cover with lid.

Once the bottom of dosa is light brown sprinkle 1/2 tsp of oil above the dosa, fold and serve hot with green chutney...

If you feel like adding some spice to this dosa then here is the different recipe of spicy NEERU DOSA..

As like normal Neer Dosa soak rice overnight and while grinding add the below ingredients(remember to not add cucumber if you want to prepare spicy neeru dosa,but you can add grated coconut to this while making dosa)
1tsp each of coriander seed and cumin seed
1/2tsp each of sesame and Urad lentil
6-7 Red chilly(or as per spice)

And prepare dosa batter as normal as neeru dosa batter (which is mentioned above) and make spicy dosa..can be served with coriander chutney or chutney powder...


Wednesday 4 August 2010


For Batter:
White rice 2 cup(2 portion)
Urad lentil 1 cup(1 portion)
Frengreek seed 1/2 tsp
Toor Lentil 1tsp
water to prepare batter

For mixing:
Onion 4(finely chopped)
Fresh Coriander 1cup fine chopped
Green chilly finely chopped 3(or as per spice)
capsicum finely chopped 1(optional)
Ginger finely chopped 1tsp
cooking oil 5tsp
salt as per taste

Soak in water overnight mixing all the ingredients of batter and prepare batter by grind them together. In a mixing bowl add all the item under heading 'for mixing', and also add dosa batter and mix everything properly. add water if required.
Now heat the tava which is used to make Paddu shown below in the picture sprinkle oil in the hole and fill with batter.

And cover with lid. Once the bottom is cooked turn on the other side and cook. After cooking both side of the paddu..served hot with spicy chutney...