
Monday 6 September 2010

Beaten rice with green chilly and spice

This is one of my fav snack.This is quick and easy snack,so you can prepare this in a few mins and serve then and there. Don't keep this snack for too long...the taste will go off..

Beaten rice 2cup
green chilly 2-3 chopped(or as per spice)
onion 1 finely chopped
salt 1/2 tsp
fresh grated coconut 1cup
coconut oil 3-4tsp
fresh chopped coriander 4tsp
sugar 1/4 tsp
water 1/2 cup

Mash the green chilly and coriander by adding salt & add to a mixing bowl, also add sugar onion coconut and coconut oil, mix well now add beaten rice and mix by sprinkling water. Once everything is mixed well serve immediately......

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