
Monday 18 October 2010

Kosumbari(Cucumber salad)

This is one of the easiest salad, which is prepared in almost all the festivals in our community. You can prepare this salad in normal days also,,with in 5-10 mins,,and it is a good salad for healthy diet.

Tender Cucumber 1
Split Moong Lentil 1/4 cup
Lemon juice 1TBSP
salt as per taste
Fresh shredded coconut 1/2 cup
Coriander leaves chopped 2-3tsp


Soak the lentil in water for 2 hour,grate the cucumber(As it is tender do not peel of the skin)and add in a mixing bowl.Also add all the other ingredients along with soaked lentil to this and give a good stir....

Salad is ready to serve,,,,

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