
Thursday 25 November 2010

Palyada Pudi(seasoning for side dish)

This powder is used as a seasoning for side dishes....which gives you more and different taste..My mom prepares in this way..there are different spices you can use for seasoning...If the powder ready for use,when ever you prepare a side dish add 1 or 2(as per your taste) TBSP of this and can make difference in the normal side dish...lets try now..

Split gram lentil(Channa daal)1 cup
Coriander seeds 1/4 cup
Red Chillies 7-8
Urad lentil 1/4cup
Sesame seeds 2TBSP


Dry roast above all ingredients and make powder(should not make too fine powder). once it is cool store in a air tight jar,(can keep up to a month)Use in any of ur side dish or any other dish you wish to add.

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