
Sunday 28 November 2010

Plain cake(meridian cake) Eggless

You must be thinking,,I have already posted the same kind of cake,,then why again?....

The reason is I prepared this in the Bread machine..This time I was planning to prepare something new..I always prepare cake in my this is the idea came to my mind, anyways my Kid's 2Nd birthday is coming (next month),,,If I try now,,I can become perfect and will be ready to prepare my kids birthday I made basic cake today..and I am so happy that I can prepare cake,,even though I don't have any option to make cake in my bread machine...

Today I really felt the money spent on it is worth...because the result was in front of me..So I thought of sharing this with you is the very simple and easy method...I used the similar (slight change)recipe which is mentioned in the book for meridian cake...where I have not used eggs..

Group 1
All purpose flour 1 1/2 cup
Baking powder 2tsp
Baking soda 1/2 tsp
Almond powder 2tsp
Sugar 2TBSP(1 1/2 is also enough )
Custered 1tsp(I have used mango flavour)
Milk powder 2tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp

Group 2
Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp
Melted butter 1/4 cup
Orange juice(I have used Mirinda) 1/2 cup(+1/4 if required)
Condensed milk 3TBSP

First Add all group 2 ingredients in the pan...and then add all group 1 ingredients,Set the option to fast bake(as |i don't have any option to make cake I have used this option,which is similar to the cake option)I have 2 option for fast is for 1.5lb(1hour 10 mins),and other one is for 2lb(1 hour 20 mins).
I have used First option and very very low crust,,,start,,,Now first it will make cake batter for 09 mins(at this stage u add water if batter is became dough)..Then take out the blade from the pan and correct the shape by using fingers...then it will keep to raise for 11 mins,,,baking will take around 55mins......and the golden yummy cake is ready...

Once the cake is done take out it from pan... and keep on wire rack for 5min....then have with a cup of tea....

I love to have plain cake....If you do icing,,,that will also taste very good..


  1. looks so soft Chitra, pls pass it.

  2. This looks amazing Chitra, cant stop drooling over this. Fact that this is eggless makes it for a double treat !

  3. Scrumptious cake, looks sooooo tempting..

  4. Delicious cake,looks lovely.

  5. Hi Lovely cake. Can you send me a slice please?
    By the way there is a surprise for you on my site. check it out.
