
Monday 1 November 2010

Tomato Basan(Gram flour) Instent Dosa

When we were in collage we use to prepare this omelet for snacks...because this can be prepared with in 5-10 mins.My sister(elder) first prepared this omelet.Today i am trying the same after long time.

Ingredients:(Can make 3-4 Dosa)
Gram flour(Basan)1/2 cup
Green chilly 1(Finely chopped)
Tomato 1 Finely chopped
Fresh Coriander 2TBSP finely chopped
Chilly Powder & turmeric 1/2 tsp each
Cooking oil 4-5 TBSP
Salt to taste or 1/4 tsp

How to prepare Dosa/Omlet:

Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl and add water to make batter...The batter should not be too much water..see below

Heat the Pan/Tava and sprinkle 1/2 tsp of oil on it..

and take a ladle full of batter gently spread in circle shape(don't move your ladle too fast,dosa will be spoiled)

and cove with lid.Once the bottom side has turned in to brown ,sprinkle another 1/2 tsp of oil and turn the dosa on another side..

again cook the till the brown spot come on the other side also.Once the dosa is completely cooked transfer it to a serving plate..

The yummy Tomato Basan Omelet/dosa is serve...Can eat with any kind of Jam or Green Chutney..I love to eat plan omelet..

I am sending this recipe to Taste of Pearl city's Visit any-one-can-cook-new-weekly-event


  1. Looks very delicious and yummy which makes me feel hungry

  2. I love this gram flour dosa..we call it puda..looks delicious n yummy!

    US Masala
