
Friday 31 December 2010

Naan Khattari/Naan khattar/Narayani khattar

Today is the last day of this year..and May be this is my last post for the year......So This year was very good....I hope the same for the coming year......

I wish you all of you very 'HAPPY NEW YEAR'......Have a wonderful and great year...Welcome the new with this Sweet....

Naan Khattar is one of my all time fav dessert.When I was in Bangalore ,I always use to get from the bakery and eat...So today thought of doing it myself at home.. But the texture has not turned so very well as I eat in bakery....anyways it tasted I would like to share this recipe with you all...If anyone know how to make this recipe better,,Please give me your good thought..

All purpose flour(maida) 1 1/2 cup
Icing sugar 3/4 cup
Baking powder 1 tsp
powdered Cardamom 3/4tsp
A pinch of salt
Ghee or Unsalted Butter melted around 200gm

Add all the dry ingredients in a large bowl,Mix well.Now gradually add the melted Ghee or butter and knead the flour.Use the ghee as much as required to make dough(the dough will not be very soft. and keep aside covered for 5-6 hours.

Once the dough is done take out ,It will be very hard,so take small small parts of dough and slowly make balls(just like jamoon balls)Make around 30-32 balls.

bake in oven for 10-15 mins..or till the colour changes from clear white to very light brown.Immidatly take out from the oven and keep aside to get it cool.It will be soft when it is hot,,later once it is cool it will be as normal Naan Khattri.

I baked in my bread machine in 3-4 I am doing this first time...I has not come out very nice(look wise),,,But the it tasted very good.
So the sweet tasty Naan khattari is ready to eat...This is Indian dessert..but you can eat this sweet anytime...Once it is cool store in a airtight jar...can use more that 15day....(If left out)

Note: while baking give a good space between each balls,because it will raise,and will become double in size.Other wise it will stick to each other which happened to me on my first batch.
Also keep an eye on baking process,because if it is over cooked the bottom will be burned very fast.

I am sending this recipe to TorView's
visit food-palette-series-white-and-giveaway

Thursday 30 December 2010

Roasted potato with Beans Sprout

This very very simple and easy but healthy. I started preparing this kind of veggies after coming to UK....not a big recipe included,,but just try this kind of veggies once in a while at home,,it will be very tasty..

Baby Potato 5-6
Herb butter 1 cube
beans sprout 1 cup
Lemon juice 1/2tsp
mint sauce 2-3 TBSP
Olive oil 1tsp
salt 1/2 tsp


Keep the potato and herb butter in a or microwave proof bowl and bake for about 10-12 mins or till the potato is completely cooked.(you can also bake in oven)
In the same till add beans sprout in a pan with olive oil ,turn on the heat and fry for 3-4 mins in a medium flame,or till the sprout is crispy ,then turn of the heat.
Now that both are done...take out the potato from microwave.Cut them in the middle,keep it on the serving plate along with fried beans sprout, sprinkle salt,lemon juice and garnish potato with mint sauce and serve hot...

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Garlic Butter Naan

Oh I am so happy today,,finely our system started working properly...Because of which I was not able to do anything in it...So I feel I am back to track now with Garlic butter Naan,,,I was thinking of preparing naan from many days,,,so yesterday My hubby was also at thought of preparing this Naan,,,

All Purpose flour 3cup
Warm Milk 3/4 cup
Baking soda 1tsp
salt 1/2 tsp
Sugar 1tsp
unsalted melted Butter 1TBSP
Cooking oil 2tsp

For topping:
Garlic cloves 5-6
Fresh coriander finely chopped 3-4TBSP
Sesame or poppy seeds 4-5tsp

Warm water 1/4 cup(use if the milk in not enough for making soft dough.I used it)
Unsalted melted butter 3tsp for roasting
Cooking oil 1tsp for kneading

I have prepared the dough in my bread machine...Which came out very nice and saved my time..It will take 1.30 hours to prepare dough including resting and raising...Just add all the ingredients (mentioned under heading Dough) and keep the function as dough setting, after one and half hour your dough is ready....
Take out the dough from the pan,grease your palm by cooking oil and knead for 2-3 min by adding oil(use oil under heading extras)and cover with plastic sheet.Keep aside again for another 1 hour(or at least 1/2 hour)...
Make paste of garlic(do not make very fine paste)also add finely chopped fresh coriander to it mix well and keep aside.

Now the soft smooth dough is ready to use.

I prepared the naan in normal can also prepare in oven and griddle.
Now make 8-9 balls from the dough. Take a ball grease your palm as well as the ball by oil.

and give naan shape to the balls by using hands(you can also roll it on the rolling pin to save time). and spread the garlic paste on top of it(around 1/2tsp) and sprinkle 1/4tsp of sesame,press gently by hand.

heat Tava in medium flame,put the naan ,sprinkle 1/2tsp of melted butter both side

and cook properly..till the dark brown spot arises then transfer it to serving dish,,,

serve the with any kind of your fave side dish.....
If you don't like the toppings then prepare the plain butter naan by with adding any toppings....

I am serving The Naan with spicy Green moong and cauliflower side dish...

I am sending this recipe to TorView's
visit food-palette-series-white-and-giveaway

Friday 24 December 2010

Dry Gulab Jamoon

I wish You all a very Happy Christmas All of you.....Enjoy the festival with Dry Gula Jamoon.....

Actually I prepared this sweet on my Kids B'day....but not able to update..Now I got some time to my system is also not working properly..Anyways...I always prepare gulab Jamoon,,but never tried Dry Jamoon.So this time thought of doing Dry jamoon,,,and it turned nice..

Gulab Jamoon Mix 2 cups
Water approx 1cup
Ghee or cooking oil for deep frying+ 2tsp(ghee)
Fine sugar 1cup

For Sugar syrup:
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
3-4 crushed cardamoms (optional)
Saffron 4-5 cloves

Prepare Syrup:
The syrup should be made earlier and kept warm.To make the sugar syrup, mix 2 cups of sugar with 2 cups of water in a deep cooking dish. Add 3-4 cardamom pods, slightly crushed, and saffron cloves, Stir constantly with a spoon on medium heat for 15-18 minutes until sugar is all dissolved in water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook till the syrup turns thick. Turn off the heat and keep the syrup aside for later us. Transfer this hot syrup into a serving dish.

Take a large sized mixing bowl add the gulab jamoon mix and gently knead by adding water(add around 1/4 cup water first)make soft dough.Do not knead more Cover the bowl and let it stand for about 30 minutes.

Take out the dough and Grease your palm,knead it softly.Form equal sized small balls. It should form about 25 to 28 small balls. Be sure that there are no cracks in the balls and the surface is smooth.

Now mount a large deep-bottomed frying pan on medium heat with the Ghee or cooking oil. When the oil has been heated lower the flame to low. Add about 6-7 balls to the oil and fry till they start to float on the surface of the oil, and their sizes expand to become double their previous size.

When the jamoons turn golden brown remove them from the oil to paper towels to drain. Let cool at room temperature. Fry the jamon in batches of 6-7. When the jamoons have cooled put them into the pot containing the syrup.Use a spatula to gently squeeze the jamoons to let them soak up the syrup. You can serve immediately or refrigerate for about an hour or two to serve chilled.

To make Dry Gulab Jamoon:

Once the cooked jammon balls are cool

dip it in the sugar syrup for about 2 hours

and then take out from the syrup, roll it in the fine sugar bowl,make sure the balls are coated with sugar fully

and the Dry Jamoon is ready to serve..Make this dry jammon and serve immediately....which will give more taste...

I am sending this recipe to Akhila's

visit event-dish-name-starts-with-d

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Rice Noodles Upama

Rice noodle is one of my fav ,,,with any kind of recipe..I prepared this upama last week only..But as I was busy updating today....

Rice noodles 250gm
Cooking oil 3TBSP(divided and used)
Spring Onion chopped 1cup
Red Onion 1 sliced
Green pepper 1 diced(or can Green chilly 2-3 chopped)
Boiled peas 1cup
turmeric 1/2 tsp
Spit Gram 1TBSP
Coriander powder 1tsp
Lemon juice 1tsp
Mustered 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves 5-6(optional)
salt to taste and 1/2 tsp of sugar.

Cook the rice noodle as per direction, keep aside to get it cool,mean while heat 2tsp oil in a small pan add chopped spring onion fry for 2-3min then add this oil to cooked rice noodle,mix well.

Heat remaining oil in another big pan,add split gram,fry till it turns light brown then add mustered,curry leaves fry for 10 second,then add green chilly and turmeric saute for 30 seconds,then add chopped onion fry until the onion turn to golden brown.Then add coriander powder,salt sugar,lemon juice,saute and add cooked rice noodle,,give a good mix,,and fry for 2-3 mins(so that the spices mix well with noodle) then turn of the heat..

The hot Rice Noodle Upama is ready to serve.......

I am sending this recipe to TorView's
visit food-palette-series-white-and-giveaway

Monday 20 December 2010

Leek and potato soup

First of all I am sorry for not being update from last week....I was bit busy ..with winter...I mean to say I was not well..Its too much of cold here this year....with heavy snow ..all of us got recovered just a day back,,,,,so now I am back with a nice and easy soup recipe for this cold winter...Hope will enjoy..

Leek chopped 1cup
baby potato diced 1cup(or can use normal potato)
parsley finely chopped 2TBSP
water around 1/2 ltr
vegetable stock cube 2
salt as per taste
lemon juice 1/2tsp
black pepper powder 1tsp

Add all the ingredients (except salt,lemon juice and pepper powder) in a pan,stir,

turn on the heat...bring them boil,then turn in to medium flame and cook for about 20 mins or till the potato is tender.Then turn of the heat...
strain out the water in another pan,,blend the cooked potato and leek by adding salt,pepper and lemon juice in to smooth pure.
Now add this puree to the soup water...bring to boil again and turn of the heat......
The soup is ready to serve.....serve hot.....

Award time

Thanks very much Akhila for your such a lovely award...I am very participate in your event..The last round up was just great...I loved your round up and love to participate on coming events.......

visit Akhila
She has got a yummy blogs and very nice events to participate.....check her blog for more details and events..