
Thursday 30 December 2010

Roasted potato with Beans Sprout

This very very simple and easy but healthy. I started preparing this kind of veggies after coming to UK....not a big recipe included,,but just try this kind of veggies once in a while at home,,it will be very tasty..

Baby Potato 5-6
Herb butter 1 cube
beans sprout 1 cup
Lemon juice 1/2tsp
mint sauce 2-3 TBSP
Olive oil 1tsp
salt 1/2 tsp


Keep the potato and herb butter in a or microwave proof bowl and bake for about 10-12 mins or till the potato is completely cooked.(you can also bake in oven)
In the same till add beans sprout in a pan with olive oil ,turn on the heat and fry for 3-4 mins in a medium flame,or till the sprout is crispy ,then turn of the heat.
Now that both are done...take out the potato from microwave.Cut them in the middle,keep it on the serving plate along with fried beans sprout, sprinkle salt,lemon juice and garnish potato with mint sauce and serve hot...