
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Saate...A South Indian sweet for Diwali...

I Wish all of you a very happy DIWALI...................May all your life full with lots of lights always........

Here comes my sweet on the special occasion.....

Actually this is my fav sweet before marriage my dad use to bring this sweet especially for me....yummy saate.... and i never knew that i could be able to prepare this in my kitchen.......thanks to Vani from RECIPE WORLD...who made to prepare this.....

When I saw this recipe in her blog...I was so happy ..because i can prepare my fav sweet at home only...but i was not very sure that weather i will be able to do this as like that or not........

Finally I tried this for Diwali......and u beleive me or not it was so nice..I felt so happy and proud that i could be able to make it.....thanks again to Vani....please Visit her blog(

She has got lots of yummy and treditional nice recipes.....

so here is the recipe....I have made very very miner changes accordingly...apart from that i have used the same method as she has mentioned in her blog.....

All purpose flour (maida) 2 cups
pure Ghee/Clarified butter(or also u can use dalda but i have used ghee) - 1/4 cup
Icing Sugar - around 1 3/4 cups
Pinch of salt
warm Water
Oil for deep frying
Silver Foil paper(u can also use a Nylon cloth as mentioned in original recipe)

Mix all purpose flour, salt and ghee in a mixing bowl nicely.

Now Add water little by little and knead non sticky dough(as like rooti dough).Rest it for 10-15 mins by covering it with a thin plastic sheet.

Now divide the dough into 2 parts.take one portion of the dough and roll in circle shape(similar to rooti)
Fold it twice and you will get a triangle shape.

Roll it again like chapathi and fold it.

Repeat this for at-least 13 - 14 times(for lots of layers inside).

Finally, roll it into 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick and cut into circle by using cookies cutter.
Repeat the same producer for the rest of the dough...once u finished...(Prick the circles with a fork for best results)

Heat oil in a deep bottom pan. Deep fry the Saate on lower medium flame till it is golden and crispy both the side(for around 10-15 mins)
Transfer the deep fried Saate onto a tissue paper to absorb the excess oil if required(mine was not oily) and keep aside to cool down.

Mean while add around 1/4cup(add little more if required) water to the Icing sugar mix well and bring to boil(for glazing). Prepare a thick sugar syrup.keep in to get cool bit.

Now arrange the deep fried saate on a silver foil paper.Pour around 1-2 spoons of warm sugar syrup(not too hot) on the top of each Saate and spread it little-bit.

Keep aside till the sugar syrup is settled and crystallized,then take out the the saate from foil sheet and its ready to serve..


  1. sweet looks wonderful happy festival

  2. look so delicious!!
    & Wish you a Happy Diwali!!!!

  3. They look so good.

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Diwali.

  4. Saatea looks fabulous and delicious..Happy diwali wishes..

  5. Wish you the same my dear ~ the recipe sound so scrummy n I love your presentation too :)

  6. tempting n delicious saate..Belated Diwali Wishes!!
    Gald to follow you:-)
    Do drop by my space and I would love if you follow my space too
    Erivum Puliyum
