
Friday 24 February 2012

Moong Lentil Chakli---Easy method

I was planning to prepare chakli from many fact from 3-4 months I was planning,,but it was getting postponed for one or the other reason...finally I decided to prepare on last Monday,,,,,as now a days because of many special occasion,,,i prepared too many sweets and now more demand for savory and snacks in my house....and first on the list was chakli,,,,,i first chose to prepare muruku,,,,but then thought of preparing Mung lentil chalki.....and didn't had any idea of updating in the I already had one chalki recipe in my blog which of similar method.....but after seeing the result I felt that I must put this on my blog(even my hubby told me)....Because it was supper hit was so yummy,crispy and with nice colour,,,,,so later i clicked some of the pics of it.....
Hope u all love it and try this in ur kitchen..

Rice flour 2cup
Yellow Moong dhal 1 cup
Sesame seed 1TBSP
Cumin seed 1tsp
Cardom(Ajwan) seed 1TBSP
Salt as per taste
Red chilly powder 1tsp(or as per spice)
Cooking oil(or u can also use coconut oil) 2TBSP+Kneading the dough and also to grease ur hand
Oil for Deep frying

How to prepare:
Cook the split moog lentil in a pressure cooker by adding around 2-3 cups of water(about 5-6 whistles) and let it become cool. Then transfer the cooked lentil to a thick bottom pan ,turn on the heat add sesame,cumin Carom seed ,salt,red chilly powder and give a good stir for 4-5 mins.
Take the rice flour in a bowl and add to hot lentil gravy slowly and stir properly cook the dough for 2-5 mins then turn of the heat Add 2TBSP of oil(I have used sunflower oil),mix well and keep aside to become cool.
once dough is warm grease your palm & knead the dough well on a flat board,pressing the dough to the board by hand and prepare a soft dough.Fill the dough in chakli mould.

or if you don't have the chakli mould, use pastry bag with star shape tip.
Press long on a flat board use a plastic paper on the board to make it easier to lift the chakkuli and give chakkuli shape by hand, and keep it over a wax paper or greased plate. Or the simple way is Have used ceramic plate like below

Heat the oil in a frying pan and when the temperature is appropriate drop this chakkuli one by one and fry till they are hard and crisp.

Enjoy the hot chakkuli.It is more tasty after cooling.Store it in airtight container only after its cooled down completely.


If the chakkuli's tend to break while making, try kneading the dough for some more time, still if it is not coming well add some more milk/water and knead again.If the dought is too soft then also it will not come out well..then you need to add some more rice flour to fix this....

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Apple Spicy Saaru/Apple Spicy soup

Its been almost a week I am not on blog......the reason behind was my hubby was not very but with lots of I am feeling bit free,,,so thought of updating my blog,,as I didn't even updated the recipe for my valentine cake.....but now I am not in a mood to update the the cake I wanted to prepare was red Velvet cake,,,,but it turned in to brown instead red......but the taste was very I decided to update it when I prepare it again with red colour.....any ways........

During my hubby was not well My sister in law suggested me to prepare this apple saaru(or it can be used as soup) for him,,,as it is good for sour through I prepared it last week is very very simple and tasty ...

So here is what I used:

Granny smith apple 2 medium(it should not be very sweet,,so I its good to use granny smith apple)
Yellow moong lentil and tour lentil 1/2 cup together(1/4 cup each)
Green chilly 1 (chopped)
Ground Cumin 1tsp(can used whole cumin also)
Black pepper powder 1/4 tsp(or used whole pepper corn 4-5)
gaggarey 1/2 tsp
salt as per taste
oil 1tsp
water to cook lentil

For tempering:

Coconut oil 2tsp
Muster seed 1/2tsp
pinch of Hing/Asafoetida
Curry leaves 4-5
Dry red chilly 2(cut in to 2 pieces)

How to prepare:

Quarter, core and slice the apples about 5mm thick

and cook it in microwave safe dish for 3-4 mins then remove ,keep aside.

Wash and add enough water to lentil, add 1tsp oil and cook till it is soft and mushy....

Once the apple is cool add it to a blender along with green chilly,ground cumin and pepper powder(if u r using whole pepper and cumin fry them in a 1/2tsp oil before adding to blender)
add water and make it smooth paste...

Mash the cooked lentil and add apple paste to it,,,,add salt and jaggary mix well,,add water if required \and bring it to boil..........

Soup is ready to use....

It u want to use it as saaru and want to have it with hot rice....then

Heat oil add all the ingredients under tempering and once mustered starts popping dip this in the saaru.....serve with hot rice........

Tuesday 14 February 2012


HAPPY VALANTINE'S DAY....All of u..I know I am bit late ...but I was bit busy preparing the cake and other things..........

I will be posting the recipe soon,,,,,,

Monday 13 February 2012

Jelebi-----On My sweet heart's Birthday

Jelebi is my hubby's fav sweet.....He love to eat it any from many days i was planning to prepare it at home,,as i never tried this at home,,,only I have seen it when i was small,,,in festivals,,my granny and all use to prepare at home......but i never thought of making it at home...... Now the prefect occasion has come to prepare the my hubby is not so much found of cakes i decided to prepare Jelebi for his birthday...and give him a surprise.....and it was supper hit and success....I was so happy that even I can prepare Jelebi at home....and my hubby was really surprise to see the home made Jelebi....He really liked it very here is the recipe of the Jelebi I prepared....for my Valentine....

All purpose Maida (Flour) 1 1/2 cup
Corn flour 3TBSP
Bicarbonate of soda ¼ tsp
Lemon juice of 1/2 lemon (small)
Curd (yogurt) 1/2 cup
water 1/4 cup(use only as much required)
Hot oil 2tsp
Orange or yellow food colour: 2 or 3 drops(optional..I have used yellow)
Refined oil/Sunflower oil for Deep frying

For syrup
Sugar 1cup
Warm water 1/2 cups(use more if required)
Saffron stand few(optional)

How to prepare:

Well mix all purpose flour, baking powder, Corn flour,Bicarbonate of soda,curd (yogurt),lemon juice and water make a smooth batter and also add the food colour if u like to use(I have used yellow colour)keep aside the mixture to ferment. For at least 24hours...

To make the sugar syrup.
Mix the sugar saffron and water to dissolve it. .add only as much as required to dissolve.

Once the sugar is dissolved, boil it slowly until it becomes thick(a little less than one thread consistency).Then turn off the heat and Keep the syrup aside to cool down.

Now (after 24 hours)fill the batter in a ketchup bottle or fine muslin cloth with hole in to it..or can use even Cake piping bag.

Heat oil in a frying pan (preferable a wide bottom) and once it is hot reduce the flame to minimum and squeeze the batter in the shape of randomly coiled or spiral. Make 4 or 5 at a time depending on the size of your pan.

Deep fry them until they are golden brownish and crispy.
Remove Jalebi and immediately dip into the sugar syrup.Keep in the syrup for 2-3 mins so that they are soaked in sugar syrup. Then take them out of syrup and serve hot or cool.....

Sending this to the below events

visit valentines-special

visit Dish For Loved Ones event

visit Valentine's Day Event

Also Linking to Kid's Delight hosted by Edible Entertainment

visit kids-delight-something-sweet-event

visit kids-delight-something-sweet-announcment-by-Srivalli

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Orange lemon Muffin(Egg less)....My first cup cake baking.....

One more recipe for this Valentine's Day.....but this dedicated to my sweet sweet cute...little..kid......He like cake very much... especially the I prepared this for him.....As this was my first time muffin,,,so I just prepared only 8 of them..which was very very yummy........Next time I need to Prepare full whole muffin tray.......


Self raising flour 2 Cup
Baking powder 1tsp
Bicarbonate of soda 1/2tsp
Milk 2-3TBSP(adjust accordingly)
vegetable/sunflower oil 5TBSP
White sugar 1/2 cup
salt 1/4tsp
Orange juice 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 4TBSP
Zest of orange and lemon 2-3 TBSP each
Ground Flex seed 2tsp(this works as egg re-placer)
warm water 3-4TBSP to soak the ground flex seed
Few Chocolate chips to decorate(optional)

How to prepare:

Pre-heat the oven at 350c/180 deg/gas mark 4.Line paper cup in the muffin dish.Add the flax seed powder in the warm water and keep it aside.

Sieve together flour,baking powder, baking soda and salt and mix well in a bowl.Now add all the wet ingredients like lemon juice,Orange juice,oil and Zest of orange and lemon.Also add sugar and mix everything by using electric hand mixer for 2-3 mins...with out any lumps(use low speed)
Now fold in the flex seed and water mixture and milk to prepare a nice muffin batter.

Now spoon the batter in the lined cups and decorate with chocolate chips(optional)

bake for 35-40 mins.....or till the top is lightly browned and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Then take out the muffins from the oven dish...keep aside to cool down and ready to eat......

Or can be served warm with a cup of tea........

Or just decorate with icing sugar and sugar candy.....

Sending this to the below events

visit valentines-special

visit Dish For Loved Ones event

visit Valentine's Day Event

Also Linking to Kid's Delight hosted by Edible Entertainment

visit kids-delight-something-sweet-event

visit kids-delight-something-sweet-announcment-by-Srivalli