
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Orange lemon Muffin(Egg less)....My first cup cake baking.....

One more recipe for this Valentine's Day.....but this dedicated to my sweet sweet cute...little..kid......He like cake very much... especially the I prepared this for him.....As this was my first time muffin,,,so I just prepared only 8 of them..which was very very yummy........Next time I need to Prepare full whole muffin tray.......


Self raising flour 2 Cup
Baking powder 1tsp
Bicarbonate of soda 1/2tsp
Milk 2-3TBSP(adjust accordingly)
vegetable/sunflower oil 5TBSP
White sugar 1/2 cup
salt 1/4tsp
Orange juice 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 4TBSP
Zest of orange and lemon 2-3 TBSP each
Ground Flex seed 2tsp(this works as egg re-placer)
warm water 3-4TBSP to soak the ground flex seed
Few Chocolate chips to decorate(optional)

How to prepare:

Pre-heat the oven at 350c/180 deg/gas mark 4.Line paper cup in the muffin dish.Add the flax seed powder in the warm water and keep it aside.

Sieve together flour,baking powder, baking soda and salt and mix well in a bowl.Now add all the wet ingredients like lemon juice,Orange juice,oil and Zest of orange and lemon.Also add sugar and mix everything by using electric hand mixer for 2-3 mins...with out any lumps(use low speed)
Now fold in the flex seed and water mixture and milk to prepare a nice muffin batter.

Now spoon the batter in the lined cups and decorate with chocolate chips(optional)

bake for 35-40 mins.....or till the top is lightly browned and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Then take out the muffins from the oven dish...keep aside to cool down and ready to eat......

Or can be served warm with a cup of tea........

Or just decorate with icing sugar and sugar candy.....

Sending this to the below events

visit valentines-special

visit Dish For Loved Ones event

visit Valentine's Day Event

Also Linking to Kid's Delight hosted by Edible Entertainment

visit kids-delight-something-sweet-event

visit kids-delight-something-sweet-announcment-by-Srivalli


  1. Those cup cakes look delicious Chitra, must have tasted yummy with the citrus fruits addition. First time here, nice space.

  2. Wow, yummy cup cakes! Looks soft and spongy..

  3. Yummy and soft cup cakes,love the flavor

  4. Delicious combo !! perfectly baked and yummy muffins !!

    Ongoing Event - CC-Dish For Loved Ones

  5. wow they look so soft n delicious..

  6. looks yummy n r so cool........

  7. they look delicious citrus flavours..

  8. Thanx for linking them to my event Chitra. They look so moist, citrusy and delicious..!

    My event- Valentines Day Special

  9. These cupcakes are making me drool. Loved the clicks also. Especially decoration by the blocks..

  10. Awesome cupcakes, love the deep orange color and so perfectly done, first time here, U have a nice space dear, happy to follow U, do drop by my space sometime..

  11. they look perfect for the 1st time. :)
    Kavi (Edible Entertainment)
    Ongoing Event:(Kid's Delight - Something Sweet)
