
Thursday 15 March 2012

Award time....and many more..

I know all of you must be thinking why this lady has disappeared suddenly?.......yaa that's right from 10-12 days I am not able to update my blog.....I was busy with one of my new hobby.......guess what.......its face and body art......even thought this is my new hobby,,,but painting and drawing is one of my oldest and most fav now just want to try this out on face and body....which i found very interesting.. especially the kids love it any just started my journey....lots to learn and lots to do....anyways....that will go side by side..i will upload some of my art in my blog.....but now its time for awards,,,,,its been long time i got these awards and didn't had time update now i have to post this other wise i will forget who has given the award also.....
first of all

From Vani...I am so so happy to receive these awards..and would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart...She has got a beautiful space and a vast collection of recipe. especially all south Indian recipes(North Karnataka)...everyone do visit her space once...

Visit Recipe world

and the next one is from Amarendra of AMU'S RECIPES


Thank you so much Amarendra for such a lovely and wonderful award..I am really happy that u thought of my blog for this lovely award. I am really honored to receive this award....and sorry for the delay in posting it...

A little about the award..

"Liebster" means dearest in German and as with any award, there is bit of a ceremony involved.These are the rules

if you accept the award:
Copy and paste the award on your blog. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
Pick your five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers who deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.
Now it is my turn to give this award to five food bloggers. I would like to pass on this award to

1)Visit Aromatic Cooking by Hema
2)Visit Veg Delicacies!! by Ramya Manja
3)Visit Foodies Nest by Kokila
4)Visit mahas lovely home by Maha
5)Visit Hot Pot Cooking by Anu

and lastly 2 participation awards for me

First one is from Anzz of Anzz cafe
Visit Anzz cafe

and the second one is from teenz yummy delights by Teena Mary
Visit teenz yummy delights

Thanks both of u for the lovely event and round ups and especially for giving awards for all....


  1. Wow, body art looks so pretty especially the butterfly..congrats on your awards..

  2. chitra.....ur art looks just awesome....wonderful dear.n thanx 4 sharing the award........

  3. Congrats on your awards, and thanks for passing to me Chitra and the body art looks very beautiful..

  4. are really creative!! Loved the body art!! Congrats on your awards & thanks for mentioning my event award too :)

  5. Congratulations for the lovely and well deserved awards dear..loved your body art pics..simply superb!!!

