
Friday 18 May 2012

Baked Onion rings...for the event...'From Fried to Favourite''

I am very exited to participate in this challenge called say no to fried.....this is really a nice and neatly challenge by which we will learn lots of heathy this is very first challenge.....and I loved preparing this recipe......
Nupur from UK Rasoi has started this new event...I feel this is very good opportunity for us to try out some healthy recipe .... there was 2 recipe to try....I have selected the onion rings and I tried my best to make it perfect...after checking lots of recipe from the Internet..I prepared this combo of all those I watched....but the result was very good.....and all in my family liked it.....ask friends all of you try this healthy recipe out at least once at home..

Big white onions 2
All purpose flour 1cup (for dipping the onion rings)

To make batter:

All purpose flour 3TBSP
Bengal gram flour(chickpeas flour) 1TBSP
Ground coriander 1/2tsp
Ginger garlic paste 1/2tsp
Pinch of salt and a pinch of sodium bi carbonate
Sour yogurt
Pepper powder 1/2 tsp

To make powder mix:

Corn flacks 1 cup
Salty crackers small 5-6
bread crumbs 3-4TBSP( i used store bought)
Red chilly powder 1/2tsp
Ground corinder 1tsp
Black pepper powder
salt if required

How to prepare:
First take corn flacks and salty crackers in zip locker bag and make powder by using rolling pin(or use food processor to make crumbs) and keep it aside in a bowl.also add other ingredients like bread crumbs, red chilly powder and ground coriander and mix them well

Now in another bowl add all the ingredients under 'to make batter' and mix well. Add little water if the batter is too thick ,,and keep that aside for 10 mins.

Meanwhile prepare the onion ring,cut both the edges of the onion and unskin make 2 to 3 in each onion and separate them all.

Now every thing prepared let us start with preparing onion rings....First preheat the oven at gas mark 6
Take a ring and first dip it in the flour and then

Dip in the batter

Lastly Dip it in the corn flacks crumbs

And keep it in the baking tray...once ur tray is filled with the ring then bake this rings for 15 mins then

Take out the tray from the oven and turn around all the rings by using fork and then agin bake it for 10 mins.....

The crispy and healthy baked onion ring is ready to serve,,,,,,,,

Linking this to the event 'from fried to Favourite'..


Tuesday 8 May 2012

Give away winners announcement

So finely the wait is over,,,,,,,I was so exited to announce my very first give away winners.....I thank all of my friends who has participated in this give away......and I am happy to inform you all that I got a chance to select 3 winners instead of 2........ so one more lucky winner will be getting this gift from My Fresh Waterpearls

I have selected all of them randomly and the name of those 3 lucky winner's are....

1)Vanishri Bhat from Visit Veggi Flavours
2) Reshmi from Visit Rasoi
3)Gayatri from Visit Ammanadge

My hearty congratulations to all the 3 winners and I need ur mailing address ( I will be commenting in all the 3 winner's blog)to send the gift to all......

as you all know the give away is over but still you have the below offer till this month hurry on friends...

As My Fresh Waterpearls want to create the best shopping experience for you, as well as sharing their great designs with the world!
they are giving one more offer for all of you apart from the give away.....a discount code on your next purchase from April 11th, 2012 until May 31st, 2012.The code is: SHOP10.(It is case sensitive so please be aware).It is a code for 10% off your whole purchase.

Please note the coupon code again is: SHOP10, valid from 4-11-12 to 5-31-12. You are also allowed to post this code in your blog or in ur website,to use this code for shopping to and your friends...

Just.....plzz .. Visit My Fresh Waterpearls and enjoy shopping..

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Sweet corn spicy rooti---very simple and yummy

Hey all of you..again i was not on blog from many and my kid had some heathy issues..even now i am not very well,,,but today thought of updating my blog..after many my give away is also over,,,,will be announcing the winners soon..

So this kind of corn spicy rooti I had read in one my friends blog...Amarendra from AMU'S RECIPES....long this time I decided to prepare the similar kind of,,and it was very nice and yummy...all liked it in my family..hope u all will try this out...

frozen sweet corn 1 1/2cup
White onion finely chopped 1 medium
Turmeric powder 1/2tsp
chilly powder 1/2tsp
sesame seed 2tsp
salt as per taste
Finely chopped fresh coriander 1/4cup
Whole wheat flour 3 cup(use only as much required for making dough)+ extra for dusting)
oil or ghee for cooking the rooti


Boil the sweet corn for 5-6 mins and keep aside to get cool and (drain and save the water and use it for grinding and also if u need more water to make dough)then grind it to make smooth paste(by adding water)pour this in to a big bowl add all other ingredients(expect water,flour and oil or ghee) mix well now add 2tsp of oil or ghee and add flour and knead to make soft dough and make around 10 equal small small balls..

take one ball dust it and roll it in to normal rooti shape carefully,,,,,

heat the skillet and cook it both the sides by applying oil or ghee........Once cooked both side serve hot with pickle or chutney powder......or chutney...