
Wednesday 2 May 2012

Sweet corn spicy rooti---very simple and yummy

Hey all of you..again i was not on blog from many and my kid had some heathy issues..even now i am not very well,,,but today thought of updating my blog..after many my give away is also over,,,,will be announcing the winners soon..

So this kind of corn spicy rooti I had read in one my friends blog...Amarendra from AMU'S RECIPES....long this time I decided to prepare the similar kind of,,and it was very nice and yummy...all liked it in my family..hope u all will try this out...

frozen sweet corn 1 1/2cup
White onion finely chopped 1 medium
Turmeric powder 1/2tsp
chilly powder 1/2tsp
sesame seed 2tsp
salt as per taste
Finely chopped fresh coriander 1/4cup
Whole wheat flour 3 cup(use only as much required for making dough)+ extra for dusting)
oil or ghee for cooking the rooti


Boil the sweet corn for 5-6 mins and keep aside to get cool and (drain and save the water and use it for grinding and also if u need more water to make dough)then grind it to make smooth paste(by adding water)pour this in to a big bowl add all other ingredients(expect water,flour and oil or ghee) mix well now add 2tsp of oil or ghee and add flour and knead to make soft dough and make around 10 equal small small balls..

take one ball dust it and roll it in to normal rooti shape carefully,,,,,

heat the skillet and cook it both the sides by applying oil or ghee........Once cooked both side serve hot with pickle or chutney powder......or chutney...


  1. I love anything with corn!! perfectly prepared Rooti, looks so delightful :)

    Ongoing event CC:Mom’s Recipe

  2. Delicious and healthy roti,looks awesome...

  3. love corn so anything with it is my kind of thing.. hope u and ur kid is doing well now!

  4. Perfect, like the addition of sesame seeds to the dough..

  5. Super healthy roti,looks yummy and catchy..

  6. Never made rotis with sweet corn and I'm sure my kids would love these very much. New to your space and happy to be your follower. Check out mine when you find the time.
    Tickling Palates
