
Thursday 11 October 2012

Carrot and green peas paratha../Carrot and green pease stuffed spicy Indian flat bread

Wow....i my blog has crossed 100 followers.......I so happy that all of you supporting me like anything by giving valuable comments and suggestions....thank you very much for being with me .....I will be updating special recipe(for my blog reaching 100 followers) next time as this was there in my draft from many days i wanted to publish this recipe.....

I love paratha's.....i usually make few kind of paratha' wanted to try some thing few days back i thought of preparing this kind of paratha's....which was liked by my kid as well.....after that i prepared this paratha's 3-4 i hope all of you will like it as well...

Ingredients:( make about 5-6 paratha)
For dough:
2 cup Atta(wheat flour)chapathi flour, atta, + extra for dusting
3/4 cup warm water
1tsp pure ghee(clarified butter)+ 5-6 TBSP while cooking the paratha.
salt 1/4 tsp
sugar 1tsp

For Carrot Stuffing:
1 1/2 cup grated carrot
1/2 cup frozen peas
salt to taste
Cooking oil 2tsp
pinch of turmeric
1 tsp coriander powder
caraway seed 2 tsp
cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
green chilies finely chopped 2-3(optional)
garam masala 1/2 tsp (optional)
coriander leaves chopped(optional,I have not used)

How to prepare:


In a mixing bowl, add warm water, ghee,salt and sugar mix it well. Now add wheat flour and knead into a soft dough. Keep the dough covered for 20 - 30 minutes.

Carrot Stuffing:

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan. Add Chopped green chilies,cumin and caraway seed. after 30 seconds add turmaric and add add grated carrots.Saute 3-4 mins.mash the green peas in hand of use ur food processor...and add this the carrot and also add coriander powder, garam masala, salt and chopped cilantro,saute for 2 more minutes and turn of the heat. Let the stuffing cool.

Make 5-6 equal balls of the dough. Roll each ball big enough (4 - 5 inches diameter) to hold the stuffing. Place 2-3 tbsp stuffing in the center and gather the edges to form a round ball. Dust the floor and roll the stuffed balls gently to the desired thickness.

Heat a griddle/tawa and roast the rolled Parathas both sides. Drizzle little oil or apply ghee while roasting the paratha's.

Serve hot with curd of pickle....


  1. Wat a best way to sneak veggies, simply love that stuffing..Beautiful healthy parathas.

  2. Super healthy and perfectly done parathas !!
