
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Cucumber & Rice Roti(Jagguri)

This is actually a traditional roti of our community which is rolled on top of the banana leaf.This gives you a different flavour. We call this roti as 'JAGGURI'.
My Granny always use to prepare this roti when ever we visit there. So this is one of my Granny's recipe......

Ingredients:(to make around 8-10 roti)
White cucumber 1 grated
Rice 2 cup
salt 1/2tsp

Soak the rice in water over night. Drains out the water from the rice and transfer to a blender.Skins of the cucumber and also remove the seeds and make small small pieces add in the blender. Blend them together and make smooth batter(cucumber itself is having more water so add water if needed),pour the batter in to a heavy bottom pan,add salt,stir and keep it on the gas stove.

Turn on the heat(medium flame),keep on stir the batter nicely until this become like dough(it will absorb the water contents and will be dry)then turn of the heat and let it become cool.

Now Apply oil(cooking oil or coconut oil)on your palm and knead it to make soft dough.Make equal portion of balls (lemon size)

and apply a bit of oil on both the side of the ball (to avoid sicking)and gently roll it on, make a small hole on the middle.

Now transfer this on hot tava(Which is used to make pan cake) put a drop of coconut oil on the hole and cook both the side properly(until light brown spot comes).

Serve hot roti with Green Chutney or curry.....

Use the while cucumber which is having more water content.
If the cucumber is tender then no need of removing the seeds.
Use the white rice or dosa rice,but not basumati rice.

I am sending this recipe to Akhila's

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