Its Again Birthday time...but not mine..its my little one's Birthday..he has completed 3yrs yesterday...He was so exited to cut the cake..and I was exited to prepare his birthday cake....I was preparing for this from last 15days..because this time i wanted to make nice round cake with lots of I finalized with dates cake,,because he also liked it when I prepared it last time.I haven't used any nuts in this because he don't eat any nuts and fruits in the cake....and also I have not used any sugar in the cake because i am making a double layered cake so lots of sugar cream frosting will help to sweeten the cake as we don't like too much sweet if u wish to have sugar u can use it as required...
Around 20-25 dates
All purpose flour or maida 2 1/2 cup
Butter (unsalted)around 150gm room tempreture
Condensed milk 150 gm
baking soda 1tsp
Baking powder 1tsp
milk 2-3 TBSP(add if required in the end,if ur cake batter seems very thick)
Drinking soda 1/2 can(optional)
walnuts chopped 1/4 cup(optional)(I have not used it)
How to prepare:
Soak the dates in warm water for about 1- 1/2 hour (also u can add water to seedless dates and microwave them for few mins ,then the dates becomes soft and help for grinding)once the dates are soft grind then in a blender to make smooth paste(dont add too much of water).
Cream condensed milk, butter by using hand mixer..
now add the date paste to it and mix well with spatula or in a wooden spoon.
Sieve together flour,baking powder and baking soda.
Add the flour one table spoon at a time to the above date and butter mixture and mix slowly, add tinned soda in between also add the nuts and mix(if u want).
make a nice cake batter...(add the milk if u r batter seems too thick)
Preheat the oven at 350F/180C or gas mark 4(as i am using gas cooker ). Take two 20mm sandwich oven pan, grease it with butter and dust with flour..
Divide the batter in to two equal parts and add in both the tin...(i also make 2 muffin as i wanted to make little thin cakes..
Bake the cake in in the middle rack for 35-40min (or till a toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean).
Once the cake is baked completely take out the cake from the oven and Serve warm or cool.
Icing for the Birthday cake:
As this was my kids birthday cake i decided to do frosting....I used store brought icing for cake (Vanilla flavored butter cream icing)..
Once the cake is done....if u wish to icing the cake ..then the cake should be completely cooled out.....
Tip: keep wax paper on top of the wire rack and the keep the cake on top of it so that the shape will remain and it will not stick on he rack. ..
once the cake is completely cool take one layer in a plate( trim or level the top of both the layer if it is raised )...
then spread one layer of icing and slowly keep the another layer up side down(so that on top u will get nice surface for icing).
insert a wax paper sheet around the base of the cake before that once the frosting is done u can take of the sheet easily and get a mess free frosting.....
Now spread the icing on whole cake nicely...and level it(as i am not a professional and not doing it regularly it has not come out very nice)
now decorate the cake by using different coloured icing of your choice.....)
and the cake is ready.....
Sending this to the below events.....
visit event-announcement-Christmas Delicacy
visit jingle-all-way-event
visit abc-series-cakes-for-christmas-event
visit decorating-challenge-event
visit christmasnewyeareve2011.html-event
visit Yummy-Dessert-4-New Year event